Transcendental Aesthetic
Kant Pt II Space and Time and The Cognitive Model of Experience “ Bill : Yeah dude, it’s like, I just think it’s kinda messed up that like, because space and time are the forms of pure sensible intuition they can’t like... be... Ted : Intuited? Bill : Yeah! And because of that, even though they’re the framework in which all experiences happen, we can never... Ted : experience Space and Time because... Bill : they themselves the conditions under which they are experienced … Both : Whoaa ” -Excerpt from rejected Bill and Ted script The framework of intuitions which are the means that all objects are presented to us, or given to us, or affect us, is Space and Time. Space is the sense of outer objects, time is the sense of inner change. That is all you really need to know about that. You cannot have one without the other, at least when communicating with another person. The people that have no sense of either in their communication were historically deemed schizophrenic. ...