"The space occupied by the Cyber Writer is made of non-bound, non-tied elements, 'floating signifiers' whose very identity is 'open', overdetermined in by their articulation in a chain with other elements..." -Slavoj Zizek
"The modes of occasioning, the four causes, are at play, then, within the bringing-forth. The cyber [techne] enframes the gestell, man does not have control over unconcealment itself, in which at any time the actual shows itself or withdraws" -Martin Heidegger
"Anywhere the German goes he destroys culture, my writing was never German. I used the language, but it was cyber! Although the cattle could not hear it!" -Friedrich Nietzsche
"The pluralism of cyber writing might at times seem dialectical, but it is its most ferocious enemy." - Gilles Deleuze
"The Cyber is False." - Theodore “Thick Dick” Adorno
These spiritual boomers are both incorrect, the Cyber is only a state. It is not a process, or an event, but a terminus. It is the final stop in what we would term the "advancement" of "literature," for literature no longer exists as literature but is now just writing. Cyber writing.
How could this have happened? Was the postmodern condition not overcome in the past decade by the metamodern condition? With its slight manic sincerity and naivety replacing the cynicism of the previous age? What about the Cathedral? Neoreaction? Neoconservative to Neoliberalism?
They are all gone, or more accurately never existed. Our age is "now" a-temporal. What was termed "meta modern," the genres "new sincerity" and "autofiction" being cited as examples of, was simply the placental stench of its own stillbirth, or the sounds of its decade long death rattle. The era gave up the ghost, so to speak, and we are now in a landscape which even the most contemporary hauntologies cannot survey because it is simply too bright. Many cry out against the sunrise, their eyes having only gazed within the abyss. There is no help for them now.
While it is true that the nostalgically labeled genre of 'Cyber Writing' comes across as hackneyed with its aporic leitmotifs and penchant for inversions of traditional narrative form, the interpellative non-structures of our current e-diaspora are precipitated in their highest concentration within it." -Mark Fisher
"In Search of Lost Time is an example of an early form of cyber writing as it is essentially a meta-epistolary novel of longform blog posts. My Struggle, while alluding to Proust explicitly, is not an example of cyber writing as the sincerity robs the form of its power." -phylaSG
Some of the more illiterate among us, or even pseudo-literate, seem unable to grasp this terminus. Like the idiotic Socrates or Phyla or Fisher, they attempt to find commonality in the most accidental aspects of Cyber Writing in hopes that the rest of the web of relations will make itself ready-to-hand for their aimlessly grasping appendages and they can make their way in the dark. But it is not dark, the sun has risen and blinded them. If they could see, they would understand that if a single rule could be formed about cyber writing, and what it was, it would be that it escapes convention. Then that rule would be broken. A coherent structure would then emerge, only to be smashed into atoms. Cyber Writing is both The One and The Flux. You will step into the same river on as many occasions as you like, but it will be different regardless.
"Of the eternal κυβερ they lack understanding... both before & after they encounter it in its primacy. All comes to be according to it, but they regard their own ignorance..." -Heraclitus
Many will also try to invoke certain theorists and dialecticians and anti dialecticians, find a way in which the Cyber Writing might be pinned, a repetition or a repetition of difference, whether its like jelly or a bucket of shot, they will scour the genre for hours and be given less than nothing: they will project their own sense into it and better grasp themselves from it. This is possibly the beginning of a person’s understanding of cyber writing, or the beginnings of their own madness. Deleuze might be used but just as easily might a childhood experience of playing with a puppy, a traumatic memory of war. There many many footholds and none offer constant grounding (unless they do).
Cyber Writing is, in a word, rhizomatic. Except cyber writing doesn't read theory, except when it does, and even then it will still make fun of you for using that word, then kick dirt in your face, then apologize, take you out to dinner, and leave you with the check. When you get to your car your tires will be slashed, but an Uber will then arrive to pick you up, paid for by Cyber Writing. Cyber Writing will offer you a cigarette when you run out, but it will be an American Spirit if you smoke Marlboros, or a Marlboro if you smoke American Spirits, and if you don't smoke but drunkenly ask for one? It will be laced with PCP.
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